Title Artwork 1: Beautiful Heart
Medium: Ceramic
Dimensions: 260mmLx180mmHx150mmD
Price: $320

“I wanted to be a part of this cause because l feel so devastated that my beautiful homeland is being destroyed. More so is all incredible wildlife. I hope that this devastation will help humanity realise how important our planet is. And that all nations move forward positively.”

Vicki sells her sculpture nationally and internationally.
Vicki explores her emotional connectedness to humanity in her sculpture. Finding inspiration through the words of philosophers and spiritual teachers like Rumi, who speak of love and compassion; as well as from inner journeys, symbolism and dreams. Each unique piece is sculpted by hand and moulded to shape delicately and skillfully at Vicki’s studio using ceramic clay. The stylized figures are then glazed in a high white gloss to symbolise the
preciousness of human life and the lantern used throughout her works represents light and love.