Title Artwork: Guardian Spirit
Medium: Digital
Dimensions: 170mm x 170mm onto A4
Price: $20 unframed – SOLD FRAMED PRINT

Every single person on this planet is responsible – in however tiny a way – for the dreadful situation in Australia, like it or not we have all contributed to the problem the world is facing. Conversely, it means that every single one of us also needs to come to terms with the fact that we simply MUST change our ways and we all have the power to do so. There is no one ‘bad guy’ in this – the obvious targets are too easy to attack and blame, hard questions have to be asked closer to home. We all think, “well, the little I do right can’t make a difference and the choices I make that are easy or cheap are too small to change things” – but that’s not true. I feel physically sick when I see the suffering in Australia, and guilty too. I am looking around at my life and asking “what can I change?” – it’s not a comfortable question to be asking but it’s a critical one. I question humanity’s ability to effect change quickly and drastically enough to turn the ship around. My image is not one of hope, it is a picture of rage and shame.